Max Solo
Max Solo campaign
- Death Striker — went to Barlowe because the Mayor was looking for help.
- Spoke to Captain of the guard:
- Things have been stolen, food and farm equipment
- Blacksmith and granddaughter have been kidnapped
- Searched the town and found footsteps
- Death Striker didn't know what they were
- Captain of the Guard suggested it was a Goblin
- Set snare traps around
- Went to bed
- In the morning, found one of the traps set off, but the rope was cut; indicating something was caught and escaped
- Searched and found more tracks leading to the north-east
- Followed tracks into the forest
- Found a hole
- Sneaked up and hid, waiting for dark
- A gnome emerged
- Threatened, gnome shot an arrow at Death Striker
- Refused to come out, got more bolts ready
- Death Striker left to get help
- Death Striker got lost on the way back to town, spending most of the night wandering.
- Eventually found a road to follow back to Barlowe
- Attacked by 2x Hawks along the way, ran off
- Spoke to Captain of the Guard and returned to hole in the forest
- Tried to sneak up and hide, but gnome heard approach
- Death Striker promised free farm equipment, gnome came out, believing bluff
- Death Striker said too much, gnome grew suspicious and returned to hole
- Death Striker used Summon Undead I to send a kobold skeleton into the hole
- Gnome came out, terrified, and told the whole story
- The gnome's village was attacked by orcs, killing half the town
- They have no money, little equipment
- Trying to rebuild but it's hard
- He came out to steal things
- "You all had so much, I didn't think you'd need it all"
- A gnome from his village comes every week to take the stolen stuff back to their town
Death Striker is currently with Captain of the Guard, preparing to go with the gnome back to their village.