====== Threerun ====== Threerun is a Large Town in the [[the_three_kingdoms:karindar|Kingdom of Karindar]] in the south-east of [[the_three_kingdoms:|The Three Kingdoms]]. ^ Details ^^ ^ Adults|2,400 | ^ Children|384 | ^ GP Limit|3000gp | ^ Power Center|Non-Standard: Aristocracy appointed by the King of Kalindar in political battle with Theives Guild | ^ Alignment|Lawful-Good | ^ Constable|//Second Hightest Level Fighter// + 24 full time guards | ^ Militia #|120 | ^ Population by Class ^^ ^ Adepts|1 8th Lvl, 2 4th Lvl, 4 2nd Lvl, 11 1st Lvl | ^ Aristocrats|1 6th Lvl, 2 3rd Lvl, 11 1st Lvl | ^ Barbarian|1 5th Lvl, 2 3rd Lvl, 4 1st Lvl | ^ Bard|1 4th Lvl, 2 2nd Lvl, 4 1st Lvl | ^ Cleric|1 5th Lvl, 2 3rd Lvl, 4 1st Lvl | ^ Commoner|1 13th Lvl, 2 7th Lvl, 4 3rd Lvl, 2084 1st Lvl | ^ Druid|1 4th Lvl, 2 2nd Lvl, 4 1st Lvl | ^ Expert|1 10th Lvl, 2 5th Lvl, 4 3rd Lvl, 68 1st Lvl | ^ Fighter|1 5th Lvl, 2 3rd Lvl, 4 1st Lvl | ^ Monk|1 4th Lvl, 2 2nd Lvl, 4 1st Lvl | ^ Paladin|1 6th Lvl, 2 3rd Lvl, 4 1st Lvl | ^ Ranger|1 5th Lvl, 2 3rd Lvl, 4 1st Lvl | ^ Rogue|1 6th Lvl, 2 3rd Lvl, 4 1st Lvl | ^ Sorcerer|1 7th Lvl, 2 4th Lvl, 4 2nd Lvl, 8 1st Lvl | ^ Warrior|1 6th Lvl, 2 3rd Lvl, 114 1st Lvl | ^ Wizard|1 6th Lvl, 2 3rd Lvl, 4 1st Lvl | ===== Map ===== {{:the_three_kingdoms:kalindar:threerun:threerun-v2.png?600|}} ==== Notable Locations ==== * The Sleeping Gnome - Tavern and Inn just inside the north gate ===== People ===== * Lord Peror Glavi - 6th Lvl Aristocrat, the local lord. * Calvin Fickbottom - 13 Lvl Commoner, owner of The Sleeping Gnome * Geralt Terrnian - 3rd Lvl Aristocrat * Peter Kruume - 3rd Lvl Aristocrat * Dalcallad - 6th level Rogue, head of the Thieves Guild, halfling male * Caleebaris - 1st level Rogue, halfling male * Brandt - 1st level Rogue, Human male * Furraen - 1st level Rogue, Halfling female * Ilas - 5th level Ranger, half-elf (more elf than human), who favours bows, is a city-based ranger, not wilds ranger