Outside the Three Dancers Inn

The first of many adventures to come
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Hilda Hearthstone
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Re: Outside the Three Dancers Inn

Post by Hilda Hearthstone » Wed Apr 24, 2019 7:41 pm

DM, I'd like to spend time doing my prayer and devotions time in the morning, preferably early lest be disturbed. I'd like to prepare the following spells:
Create Water
Nimbus of Light (Complete Divine p.136)
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Arlette Craven
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Re: Outside the Three Dancers Inn

Post by Arlette Craven » Wed Apr 24, 2019 7:44 pm

Arlette smiles warmly at the halflings. "Oh, we are on an adventure, my friends!" she begins, placing her hand on the shoulder of the one asking questions; "but first, tell me, you are quite tall for a halfling, are you not? Did you eat some extra chickens growing up?" this may not be a polite question to ask a tall halfling, but Arlette never learnt social graces.

She looks to the faces of the others of her party to see if they seem apprehensive of the strangers. She wants to talk with them, find out what they know, and would like to share with them...

Sense motive check

DM do I need to roll 2 for each halfling or does one roll cover both?

As Landowe has been so forth-coming with the halflings and they seem to have peacefully traded, Arlette decides to tell them of their journey...
"... And then these 2 putrid undead creatures came out of the forest and set upon us, I let fly an impressive bolt, could hear it thud into its flesh! Any other creature would have been sent to their knees," she exclaims, arms waving dramatically in her retelling, "but it took some magic from our strong Dwarf friend here... " she continues to describe their adventures the day before, with the usual amount of embellishment.

"Tell me, friends, where are you from?"

She'll ask what they have seen on their travels, where they are going, if they know what's ahead of them and what's happening in the woods that the undead are roaming freely.
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Re: Outside the Three Dancers Inn

Post by NeomerArcana » Wed Apr 24, 2019 8:01 pm

Hilda Hearthstone wrote:
Wed Apr 24, 2019 7:41 pm
DM, I'd like to spend time doing my prayer and devotions time in the morning, preferably early lest be disturbed. I'd like to prepare the following spells:
Create Water
Nimbus of Light (Complete Divine p.136)
No problem, just update your character sheet thread.
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Re: Outside the Three Dancers Inn

Post by NeomerArcana » Wed Apr 24, 2019 8:13 pm

Arlette you don't pick up anything untoward from either of the Halflings.

The one who greeted you is named Sheelmel and the one trading with Landowe is named Reenreen. They seem unwilling to discuss where they are going or where they come from, though this seems more caution from them than any act of overt subterfuge. Reenreen does interrupt and say that they are travelling in the opposite direction, only they are more comfortable camping in the woods than outside it, they noticed you arriving yesterday but decided to wait until morning to trade. They have had some trouble on the road, they claim to have run into some very large spiders yesterday in the Craven Forest.
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Re: Outside the Three Dancers Inn

Post by Hragg » Wed Apr 24, 2019 10:38 pm

Hragg had managed the fire at night. If the dead walked, here, he wanted a nice flame to consume the corpses-that-walk. As dawn touched the sky, Hragg awoke surprised that the night had gone quietly. He expected it may be the last evening they slept unmolested by the creatures of the plains. The dwarf didn't seem particularly interested in the lives and histories of his companions and tended to be apart from the others, casting only rare, furtive glances at Hilda on occasion.

By the time the halflings arrive, he is in his armor and packed up for the day. His instincts tell him not to trust the halflings. But, then again, his instincts didn't trust anyone, including his current companions. Or his employer.

He was fairly sure they were not all enemies, though, or he would have been murdered already...

Trusting that at least one ally was in the group, he turned his back on the trade negotiations to watch for trouble. If the halflings caused trouble, his companions would shout alarm, but if the halflings were a distraction, their allies would attack from the wood.

He readied his shield and axe as he studied the layout of the battle field.
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Re: Outside the Three Dancers Inn

Post by Kull » Thu Apr 25, 2019 12:32 am

Kull enjoyed the meal hilda cooked it was something different from burnt half raw meat and plain bread. he didnt noticed anything out of the ordinary. in the morning he got up as anyone else. Everthing was fine for him until the hobbits showed up they seemed wierd.
sense motive1d20+1.
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Re: Outside the Three Dancers Inn

Post by Kull » Thu Apr 25, 2019 12:37 am

Then Kull walks over to Landowe once he is finished with trading and aks when he wishes to continue
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Re: Outside the Three Dancers Inn

Post by Elec » Thu Apr 25, 2019 1:22 am

Immediately after Elec had taken his seat on the wagon, he began to doze off, only to be snapped awake by the halflings visitors. As he sit up in the wagon, his hand begins to hover beside his throwing axe hung on his belt as he surveys his surrounding for any potential sudden attacks.

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Hilda Hearthstone
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Re: Outside the Three Dancers Inn

Post by Hilda Hearthstone » Thu Apr 25, 2019 6:21 am

After Hilda finished her daily devotions, people started about the day. She went about her business, cleaning up camp, packing up her bedroll and equipment. If she ever caught the glance of Hragg, Hilda would give a quick wink and then went about her merry way. She saw the Halflings come and acknowledged them with a courteous head nod. Not being concerned with trade, she made her way to the passenger seat of the wagon, weapons with her. She fiddled with her mace gazing upon the holy symbol that's tied to it, whilst absent mindedly humming a battle hymn, biding her time.
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Re: Outside the Three Dancers Inn

Post by NeomerArcana » Thu Apr 25, 2019 8:43 am

"Alright! Let's get move on," declared Landowe as the halflings melted back into the forest.

The morning fog lifted fairly quickly once the sun had started to rise and within an hour it was almost entirely gone. Now that the wagon is out of the forest, the surroundings are bare and rocky hills, interspersed with smooth sides covered in thick luscious grass. By mid-morning the Barlowe wood is well out of sight, even when cresting one of the hills. The forest no longer shields the view of Cravenloft Mountain, one of the tallest, if not the tallest, mountain on this plane, at least that's what Landowe declares when he notices it.

After travelling for some hours the party comes across a river and a stone bridge. Near the bridge is a small river island that the water branches around and rejoins quickly, it appears to be mostly rock with a thicket of trees. On the far side of the river, a tree has recently fallen and spans the length of the river on that side, forming a natural bridge to the island.

Arlette and Elec you both notice some glinting light in the copse of the small island, as though some shiny metal is catching the sun.

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