On the trail to Threerun

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Re: On the trail to Threerun

Post by Elec » Sat May 11, 2019 10:48 pm

"finally" Elec sighs as he steps off the wagon. After being greeted by the innkeeper he hands 4 gold to him for a meal and a bed. Before heading to the nearest table and ordering himself ale to numb the pain from his wounds. Afterwards he would head for his bed and go to sleep.
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Arlette Craven
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Re: On the trail to Threerun

Post by Arlette Craven » Sun May 12, 2019 8:39 am

Arlette speaks with the others in the tavern, friendly conversation about the roads around here, the usual travellers and party types, any unusual activity that may have reached the town grapevines.

Gather information check

That night she wants to survey the town silently during the night, they've had too many surprises lately so she wants to be sure there aren't any people or creatures here hiding secrets from them.

Move silently check

Hide check
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Re: On the trail to Threerun

Post by NeomerArcana » Sun May 12, 2019 9:04 am

Kull when talking to the innkeeper you learn that his name is E'ag Fennelsman, a local born and raised here. He took over the family business, The Welcome Orc some ten years ago when his father died. His maternal grandfather was an orc, he says, a result of his grandmother being captured by an orc raiding party when she was a teenager; he's obviously never met him. Despite this, E'ag and his family never held a grudge against orc kind.

E'ag has two sons and a daughter. His wife died some fifteen years ago, and he's raised them himself since. The other folk around these parts have helped him a great deal with raising the family and he couldn't be more grateful to them. His children have such diluted blood, he says, that they don't really show any of the usual visual signs, though his daughter is definitely as tough as an orc and could wrestle with the best of the men here in Fennelview. He laughs at this, with pride in his eyes.

He goes on to tell you that one of his boys is a bit of a musician, having been gifted and old and beaten lute by a travelling minstrel some many years ago. He plays in the Tavern some nights when it's busy or there's a merchant drinking. Just to earn a few more coin for the family. He's not half bad.

Elec the four gold pays for everyone. You find a very comfortable bed in the corner of the common room. It's quiet here and dark, you'll get a good nights sleep.

Arlette you talk to the couple people in the tavern and join in the conversation with Kull and E'ag. Fennelview is a tiny little place, mostly a farming community, not a lot happens here. Being situated on one of the major trails brings them quite a lot of people staying a day or so here at the inn, so in general the people are fairly welcoming of the extra money. There is a sort of general store across the road, run by Sigil, a mage of some skill.

You also learn that the gnomish merchant that Kull knows who looked after your wagon passed through town rather than stopping. This seems curious to the commoners here, travelling on the road at night, they must be in a rush. It is a full moon tonight and the sky is clear, so it shouldn't be terrible travel, but still the consensus is that they should have stayed here and spent some coin. It's really just rude to pass through a community as a wealthy merchant and not spend something.

When you step out into the darkness, you move with silence and speed that surprises even yourself. There is no way that any of these people have spotted you. It takes you a couple hours all up to completely survey the town. Here's a map of the town that you're able to produce from memory. Let me know if you want to investigate any of these spots more intensely.

Fennelview.PNG (3.04 MiB) Viewed 14238 times

On this side of the road, just south of the Tavern is a farmhouse. Across from it, or diagonally across from the tavern is the general store. There is another farmhouse in the northwest of the town square (if you could call a patch of dirt a town square). The main trail that leads to Threerun is south from the square. There is a high wooden bridge that spans the river, over the other side are a couple of large farmsteads.

FYI everyone your wagon and bodies are covered and in the locked stable by The Welcome Orc. There's been no need to advertise what you're carrying so you've not had to explain anything. Common sense and a few questions tells you that many merchants stop here and that the locked barn is always where their wagons are kept. E'ag is proud to say that no one has ever been robbed here, the town is far too small for a thief to get away with anything for long. Still, it's up to you guys if you want to post a guard or not.
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Re: On the trail to Threerun

Post by Kull » Sun May 12, 2019 9:24 am

Kull realises that the inkeeper has not learned any of the orcish lifegstlye he goes off rather dissaponited how something so so strong could become a bard or inkeeper. They have nothing of their roots left. he then goes to bed realising that he is one of a kind to bed knowing that he is the only half orc knowing of his ancesters and his clan history. Kull does not plan to stay up as a guard.
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Arlette Craven
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Re: On the trail to Threerun

Post by Arlette Craven » Sun May 12, 2019 6:27 pm

Arlette will turn in, but before doing so hands E'ag a generous tip. She explains to him that she likes to support small communities being from one herself, and hopes for the kindness to be returned to her one day.

In the morning she'll talk to townsfolk and Sigil, specifically about the gnome and why didn't she stay, and any news of troubles ahead.

Gather information check
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Re: On the trail to Threerun

Post by NeomerArcana » Mon May 13, 2019 10:19 am

Okay, we'll fast forward to morning.

Arlette, no one in town, including E'ag or Sigil, know the gnomish merchant. They've no idea why she didn't stop. As for dangers on the road, the town has heard of problems since the king stopped sending out patrols. They've heard the same rumors of an argument between the King and The Merchants Guild. Perhaps the gnome merchant didn't stop because of this disagreement? Maybe the merchants are trying to inject as little currency as possible into the kings economy?

The party sets out in the morning toward Threerun, it is another days travel. The day is crisp and clear, the sun shines brightly. You're in farmlands now, farmsteads far off on the low rises overlooking the road. Around midday the farmlands dissipate briefly, it would a long trip into the nearest town this far out, but before long they start up again as you near Threerun.

In the afternoon the road comes to an intersection. An old signpost, written in dwarvish, elvish, common, gnomish, halfling and even orcish, points to Threerun to the right with Lavender and Kalindar to the left.

The party has a map that Landowe had. It's a very common map that most peoples of The Three Kingdoms are familiar with, though this map appears slightly newer than any you've seen before.


Threerun is only a little way off. Westend is closest if you turn left, but you won't reach it before nightfall; but going that way would get you toward Kalindar faster than stopping in Threerun for the night.

I'll leave it to the party to discuss the best course of action. Arlette, as party leader will be making the final call in about 10 hours from the time of this post.
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Re: On the trail to Threerun

Post by Hragg » Mon May 13, 2019 10:36 am

Hragg has been quiet, considering the tomb and the legends and wondering what legacy he himself will leave behind. He is still wounded, and after eating, will take time to pray and thank Clangeddin for such talented companions. He will sit in the common room with an ale and enjoy the atmosphere.
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Re: On the trail to Threerun

Post by NeomerArcana » Mon May 13, 2019 1:14 pm

Thanks for reminding me Hragg. Anyone injured has gained back a hit point overnight.

Elec should be back to full health. Hragg should have 6hp. Kull has 7hp. Arlette would have 7hp. Let me know if you think that's wrong. These injuries might factor into the decision.

Hragg and Hilda you would both have your prayers done and your spells replenished. Make a note of what spells you have prepared.
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Re: On the trail to Threerun

Post by Hilda Hearthstone » Mon May 13, 2019 1:16 pm

DM could I attempt to cook a meal at the Welcome Orc to try and increase player healing even more? Or could I use my Heal skill to double their healing?
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Re: On the trail to Threerun

Post by NeomerArcana » Mon May 13, 2019 1:26 pm

Hilda you need Craft skill to create food that good. I would rule it like magic potions etc, I'll think about it and let you know how it will work.

Also, you could Heal the guys if we go backwards and rule that everyone stays an extra day (allowing them to heal 4hp but they need to stay in bed all day).