Outside the Three Dancers Inn

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Re: Outside the Three Dancers Inn

Post by Elec » Mon Apr 22, 2019 11:01 am

After the wagon had been hitched up. Elec quietly get up to the rear end of the carriage and sits down with Hilda and begins to doze off as the carriage begins to move.
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Re: Outside the Three Dancers Inn

Post by NeomerArcana » Mon Apr 22, 2019 12:31 pm

Landowe cheerily talks to Arlette as they make their way into the wood. He seems quite a merry fellow, quick of wit and seems at ease talking with everyone, even those of you who remain mostly silent.

Arlette, you learn all of the following answers to your questions:
  • What kind of trader is he: "Lass, I trade in everything that's for sale. I tend to steer clear of livestock though, too hard to transport you see." he continues on with some of the finer points of the logistics of trading.
  • What goods were his last load through: "In the back there now I've mostly some spices and a few choice clothes from the western lands. Cost me quite a bit of gold and quite a bit of risk to acquire it all. Of course I took with me some of the finer products from our Three Kingdoms, wine, wool, a few books, honey and whatnot. Some of the more "civilized" creations of man are few and far between back there."
  • When did he last travel this road and did he have trouble: "Let me see," he casts his mind back. "Yes, I must have come through here just on the tail end of winter, hoping to make good time out to the west. And no, the road was a safe as any of the Trails then. I've not idea what happened to it."
  • Was it rumor that had him hire the party: "Yes, my dear. When I arrived in town and had heard about the road, that's when I put the signs up around town and had the word put out. I've been sitting there in that Tavern for about a week now, waiting for enough people to turn up. And here we all are, safe as anything!"
  • Does he carry a weapon: Landowe has a quarterstaff which he keeps propped up in the drivers seat next to him.
Arlette you are convinced that he is telling you the truth.
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Hilda Hearthstone
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Re: Outside the Three Dancers Inn

Post by Hilda Hearthstone » Mon Apr 22, 2019 1:39 pm

DM, with me sitting in the back, would I hear any part of their conversation?
Listen check:
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Arlette Craven
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Re: Outside the Three Dancers Inn

Post by Arlette Craven » Mon Apr 22, 2019 1:58 pm

DM Arlette looks back over the wagon items, curious as to their worth
Appraise Check
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Re: Outside the Three Dancers Inn

Post by NeomerArcana » Mon Apr 22, 2019 2:06 pm

Hilda you hear the entire conversation, they're not trying to be quiet about it.
Arlette you keep rolling 20's.... you've ample time to glance around at the various items. You estimate there to be 500gp worth of goods that you can see; but the wagon is stacked fairly well, there's many crates and trunks that you can't see into.
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Re: Outside the Three Dancers Inn

Post by Arlette Craven » Mon Apr 22, 2019 2:11 pm

Arlette looks around at the others attempting to catch their eye and motion for them to take her spot next to Landowe. Whilst she has enjoyed the conversation, there are others she's keen to learn from, and she's always willing to practice her fluency in Elvish.

If anyone wants to take her spot, she'll swap with them.
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Hilda Hearthstone
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Re: Outside the Three Dancers Inn

Post by Hilda Hearthstone » Mon Apr 22, 2019 2:22 pm

"Landowe, tell me more about those spices from the Western lands! I'm a cook, you see, and I'm always on a hunt for the next new flavor." Hilda asked of Landowe. The thought of news about new spices thrilled her.
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Re: Outside the Three Dancers Inn

Post by NeomerArcana » Mon Apr 22, 2019 2:27 pm

Landowe looks back at Hilda through the stacks of cargo. "Climb up here then and take Arlette's seat here. Let me tell you about some of the foods that I've tasted out in the west."

Landowe continues for some time describing the various tastes and smells of the foods he has sampled. He describes soups of indescribable seafood, filled with rich aromatic flavours, giving a sense of heat in the mouth. Other foods he describes as the most basic of staples, yet filled with flavour that he's never tasted before. "I've brought back some of the spices that I was promised are their more common, more intense, spices. The kinds that every cook there uses to bring food to life. If you like, when we stop for the night you may try and sample and see what you can come up with."
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Re: Outside the Three Dancers Inn

Post by Hilda Hearthstone » Mon Apr 22, 2019 2:44 pm

Hilda climbs up and revels in the tails of the seafood and such things. To be offered a sample, Hilda was elated. "Yes, please; I'd love to sample these and I'll be happy to cook the camp dinner tonight." Her Dwarven cheeks beamed in delight to cook for others. Hilda had a thought that she's been in the wagon for sometime, after riding on the back and then during the food tales. She decided to hop off the wagon, as to give someone else a chance to ride.
While walking, can I spot check for anything growing close to the road for us to eat?
Spot check:
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Re: Outside the Three Dancers Inn

Post by NeomerArcana » Mon Apr 22, 2019 2:52 pm

Hilda you keep an eye out for any plants or fruits that look edible, but you don't see any. (it might be worth a search check once you've stopped for the day).

After three hours of steady progress into the wood, a rank stench carries on the breeze from the south. All of you turn your attention that direction and spot 2 humanoid figures, about 50 yards away in the trees, coming towards you. Chunks of flesh hang from their bodies, tattered rags cling to them. They shuffle onward, slowly, bracing themselves against the trees.

Everyone, roll for initiative.

The map below shows each your positions as well as those of your opponents. Take note:
  • The tree trunks act like walls for the purposes of cover. Ranged attacks that pass through a square with any amount of tree-trunk gives the target cover. If in melee, both you and your opponent need to be in a square with any amount of tree-trunk in order for there to be cover. (opponents get a +4 to their AC)
  • When calling your positions to move etc, please use the x-axis/horizontal/left-right first, then the y-axis
  • It's a movement action to get on the cart (9:9 to 11:11). While up there you've got the high ground and also some cover (high-ground gives your melee attacks a +1)
  • Any of the bushes and shrubs that don't have a tree-trunk are obstacles, you will suffer hampered movement while moving through there (costs twice as much to move through the square)
  • I apologise for the less than fantastic map, I've got bulls but not horses, a cart but no wagon
Attack-on-road.PNG (7.29 MiB) Viewed 13906 times
Some tips from your friendly DM:
  • Please remember to post where you move to, which enemy you're attacking etc.
  • If any of your have a Knowledge skill that you think might be useful (a knowledge skill that encompasses monsters), don't forget you can roll it