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Re: Into the Swamp

Posted: Wed May 06, 2020 12:53 pm
by NeomerArcana
Okay guys, here's a map of the area. Let me know where each of you are positioned and let me know if anything isn't clear on the map.

Re: Into the Swamp

Posted: Wed May 06, 2020 8:21 pm
by Grigori Steelbrow
Grigori will lay in wait at (07,05) trusting in Arlette and Ludo and awaiting a callout from either.

DM A couple things: 1. Which direction are we approaching from? (Sorry if I missed something) 2. Are you going to need any rolls from me?

Re: Into the Swamp

Posted: Wed May 06, 2020 10:30 pm
by NeomerArcana
You are all approaching from the south. The cliff looking down into the "bowl" is the grey line on the west and north of the water. The lighter green areas are the path so you can see you're all in the south at the "fork".

Depending on what you want to do; you might need to roll move silently and hide checks. Right now no one needs them if they're going up the top of the bowl, but you will if you're going to try and sneak up on the from the south (where all the bad guys are along the edge of the water).

Re: Into the Swamp

Posted: Wed May 06, 2020 11:00 pm
by Ludo Fritzwick
Ludo will have moved with Arlette and Wikk up the edge of the bowl (7,14), and after Wikk takes his shot with the crossbow, Ludo will follow his initiative, and fire his own crossbow at the same plain figure.

To hit:


Re: Into the Swamp

Posted: Fri May 08, 2020 3:20 am
by Wikk Slyscale
( Apologies on the delay! Wikk will be firing from (7, 17) if that's alright. )

Re: Into the Swamp

Posted: Fri May 08, 2020 9:05 am
by Kull
Kull will move to 15/2 and waits for the ranged fighters to fire their shots. Should they miss he will try to rush at the cultists at the edge of the water to give Grigory a chance to reach "the plain one".
(Not sure if i need a stealth check for that position. )
move silently check 1d20-4
hide check 1d20-4

Re: Into the Swamp

Posted: Sat May 09, 2020 1:13 pm
by NeomerArcana
Once everyone is in position you all realise that there's no chance that you will have line of sight to each other, the trees and bushes are too thick. However, none of you think it as a problem due to how quiet this area of the swamp is. You would all be able to easily call out.

For their part, Kai and Janice hang back a little, guarding the remaining bandits.

Everyone anxiously waits for Wikks shot, signalling the start of battle. The "thunk" of his cross bow rings out in the natural bowl, followed swiftly by both Arlettes and Ludo's shots. All three bolts strike the "plain" one and he falls dead into the swamp.

The next to him looks up at the bowl but seems to ignore the danger and jumps into the water after the dead body, frantically trying to pull it up onto the little island.

Kull and Grigory it's now your turn, surprise round. You can command Kai if you like, because I don't think he's playing any more. After this surprise round it will be your turn again, followed by the bandits; so, Kull and Grigory you can effectively take two turns now, everyone else can take one turn.

(DMs note: I'm pretty sure you guys are still trailing the two surviving bandits around right?)

Re: Into the Swamp

Posted: Sat May 09, 2020 10:46 pm
by Grigori Steelbrow
Upon hearing the already growing commotion, Grigori crashes through the brush approaching the left flank of the first pair of cultists. Grigori moves to (11,12).

As he's rushing through the greenery he mutters, "Seems like signal enough for me me."

Upon reaching the cultist's(12,12) side Grigori looses a swing of his axe, fully intending to end a life should he strike true.

To hit:


Re: Into the Swamp

Posted: Sat May 09, 2020 11:47 pm
by Celaena
As soon as the arrow hits, a figure appears from the trees to the east. With a scimitar in hand, she moves quickly, her sword slashing at the bandit. A gray wolf hovers close by watching protectively.

To hit:

(DM please correct me if I rolled wrong)

Re: Into the Swamp

Posted: Sun May 10, 2020 7:51 am
by Kull
Kull being suprised by his new ally and her wolf stops his charge for a second before storming to 12,14 shouting a orkish warcry to futher weaken the moral of the cultists as their leader has already fallen. He swings at the cultist at 11/15 trying to sever his head from his shoulders.
Intimidation 1d20+1
hit chance 1d20+7
damage roll 1d12
(not sure if i need to add my strength bonus as well.
I read that its common for 2 handed weapon to get the strength bounus added.
If thats the case please add 5 damage if not leave it as it is)