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Re: In the quarters of The Sword of Pelor

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2019 11:42 pm
by Kull
Kull stands up knocking over his chair and spilling his ale on the ground. He then grabs the dagger as he left his weapon in his room and charges up the stairs following the men. He also picks up a chair just in case he need something with a bit more force.

Re: In the quarters of The Sword of Pelor

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2019 12:58 am
by Kai Sylgeiros
Kai breaks the leg to a chair creating a makeshift stake. Before following after kull. While listening for sounds coming from the second floor.
Listen check
DM the other dice rolls came from Saturday Im not sure why they showed up here.

Re: In the quarters of The Sword of Pelor

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2019 3:30 am
by Ludo Fritzwick
Before Ludo can have a chance to glance over the ring he's handed from his new friend, he hears the boom and the action taking place. His first thought is of confusion and what the heck is going on, and then seeing the two men from before pouncing through the door, his confusion grows further, just who were they. Thinking about their appearance and their action, he tries to think about what's been going on in the town and surrounding areas and who they could possibly be.

Knowledge Local:

He then follows after them and approaches the body, trying to work out who this person was and what just happened to them, simultaneously he calls to the others, "Any of you a doctor? A healer of some kind? Someone get them some help!"
Gather Information:

Re: In the quarters of The Sword of Pelor

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2019 7:35 am
by NeomerArcana
Grigori the stone appears to have no affect when applied so gingerly. If you've left your weapons elsewhere you'll need to find something makeshift or go fisticuffs. Your search check shows you plenty of stools, chairs, and heavy tankards.

Kull is the first into the hallway, dagger and chair ready. Oddly, Kull, the previously small dagger seems to have grown larger in your hand when you picked it up. It was the size of a small paring knife, but is now a little larger than a regularly sized dagger.

Kai, you're now armed with a chair leg. It's broken off a little jagged, so you can use it as either a stabbing weapon or bludgeoning, your choice as you attack. You don't need to listen intently to notice the sounds of combat above. A flash of blue-white light can be seen upstairs accompanied by a crackling sound and a yell of pain.

All remember your improvised weapons (I assumed you were all still armed, but feel free to roleplay your weapons in your room), suffer a penalty on attack rolls.

Ludo you can't place those two men, but you know they were out of place. You check over the body, it's Fenner, he is dead.

Re: In the quarters of The Sword of Pelor

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2019 11:05 am
by Grigori Steelbrow
Grigori grabs the heaviest, sturdiest looking tankard then gives himself one more hefty rap on the chest with the stone before making his way upstairs.

Re: In the quarters of The Sword of Pelor

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2019 11:50 am
by Ludo Fritzwick
The moment Ludo finishes calling for help, he realises its too late. He isn't a doctor, but he knows when someone isn't breathing at all. And he finally registers the body belongs to Fenner, he'd been drinking with him not long ago. In a moment, it'd all changed.

He looks to the others, all armed and clearly ready to go, "I... I'm sorry. He's dead." Ludo tells them, before looking back to the body and looking for an obvious cause of death.

Gather Information:

He also finally realises that he's still holding the ring the girl had given him just before. He slips it onto his thumb for now, it being too large for his fingers. At the same time, he looks ahead and attempts to listen or see what's going on ahead with the chaos.


Re: In the quarters of The Sword of Pelor

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2019 3:34 pm
by Arlette Craven
"The King!" Arlette gasps, following the others, dagger in hand. She looks back to Janice and Falias, "if you can fight, come with me, otherwise stay with Falias. Falias, get these people out of here, stay safe."

As she runs behind the others she remembers the attack by Arnen and his men. "Watch yourselves, watch the magic!" she yells to the others, momentarily stopping over Fenner before following on.

Re: In the quarters of The Sword of Pelor

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2019 6:25 am
by NeomerArcana
Grigori please roll a 1d100.

Ludo, Gather Information is for rumors etc in a busy area. Most likely for what you want, is a Search check. You don't find anything of note in any case, except it's clear that Fenner died from a blow to the head. With the ring over your thumb, you become keenly aware of a moth flittering around a nearby candle. You strain your ears, but other than the general comotion of battle, you can't make out anything specific.

Janice follows, drawing two daggers from her sleaves. She appears well-prepared for a fight.

Upstairs you can hear the clang of sword on steel followed by a battle-cry "FOR THE KING!"

Everyone, are we proceeding upstairs, or not?

Re: In the quarters of The Sword of Pelor

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2019 6:41 am
by Kull
Kull readys himself for a hard and ugly fight

Re: In the quarters of The Sword of Pelor

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2019 6:53 am
by Arlette Craven
"Let's go!" Arlette yells to the others moving up the stairs, confident Grigori and Kull are prepared for what's ahead, but less sure of her new companions abilities, though she is visibly impressed at the sight of two daggers.

DM I have pictured that Arlette is behind Kull and Grigori, possibly even Kai, as they get to the stairs as they had reached the corridor before her and she is not so brave as to be first up the stairs.