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Re: In the quarters of The Sword of Pelor

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2019 11:51 pm
by Kull
Kull smiling rubbing his ribs responds: Im Kull and like Grigori i work for the sword of pelor. Thank you for the Ale and welcome at our table. Tell me how does a man like you end up here Kai ?

Re: In the quarters of The Sword of Pelor

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2019 4:45 am
by Kai Sylgeiros
"It is a preasure to meet you all." Kai puffs out his chest proudly "Im on a grand adventure. Im currently on the way to Clearwater to check out the rumors of evil in the night. This is a strange mixture of travelers. You all must be banded together through an excellent leader."

Knowledge (religion) check on swords of pelor

Re: In the quarters of The Sword of Pelor

Posted: Sun Nov 24, 2019 7:00 am
by NeomerArcana
Ludo, your second performance turns out a little more pedestrian than the last; but not many people in the Inn seem to notice or care, the lively tune causes a few people to get up and dance. Whilst playing you spot a free seat at the table with the rest of the party.

Janice seems completely unaware of the implications of what Kull and Grigori have said. Instead, the distraction from Arlette seems to confuse her so much that she upends her backpack onto the table. "You mean this dagger? And this stone?"

Kai, you don't know anything about the Sword of Pelor.

Re: In the quarters of The Sword of Pelor

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2019 4:11 am
by Kull
Kull drinks some Ale. Then responds to Janice:Yes i meant that dagger any chance you know its origin ? He listens with half a ear to ludos performance. For Kull this kind of music is a bit to fancy, a good drinking song and some drums are more of his thing.

Re: In the quarters of The Sword of Pelor

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2019 9:07 am
by Arlette Craven
A wave of visible relief and a grin cross Arlette's face as Janice misses the slips of Kull and Grigori. She shoots a playful scowl at Grigori. Relieved she turns her attention to the newcomer. "We have no leader my friend," she begins, raising an eyebrow as she looks Kai over, "we all bring something to the table, what can you bring?" she questions him, with a clear tone of expectation.

DM she will question Janice further on the items she carries during subsequent conversation as to their use, worth, and origin.

Re: In the quarters of The Sword of Pelor

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2019 9:27 am
by Ludo Fritzwick
Just as Ludo was about to begin the second song, he spots a silver coin being held out by a half orc sat at a table, he swiftly collects it, returning him a curt nod, as he headed into that second lively piece.

He spots the free seat at the table, and with the half orc and the other patrons sat there, it appears as quite an odd little ensemble in a rather serious conversation. Unfortunately, Ludo doesn't notice that his focus on this causes his playing to slip. Not badly enough for the playing to actually be bad, but, not as wonderful as before. Still, he appreciates the people dancing and laughs along with them. Whilst tips are nice, Ludo is more pleased with people dancing and having a good time.

As the tune rounds out though, he does a little bow to the crowd, before gesturing to Fallias for an ale and a gesture to suggest please too. He then pulls a seat at the odd groups table and says to them all,

"Good evening fellas!" and looking at the females present,
"And Fellettes, of course. How are we all doing this fine evening, and would you mind if I join you for a drink? If I'm interrupting anything, I'm sorry, I'll move out of the way and return to being a distracting nuisance with my music."

Re: In the quarters of The Sword of Pelor

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2019 1:21 pm
by Kai Sylgeiros
"Well i dont know why this group is together for, but i can handle myself pretty well in a fight especially against evil beings. I was raised in a business oriented family so i am decent with making both parties happy." Turning to the musician "good evening i would worry about interrupting, ive already had the pleasure of doing that."

Re: In the quarters of The Sword of Pelor

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2019 5:22 pm
by Grigori Steelbrow
"Well, I wouldn't say we have no leader since we do have Father Klavin, though he's more a coordinator or commander for us," Grigori pauses, then gestures toward Arlette as he continues with, "I'd also say Arlette here has been the head of things while we're in the field."

Re: In the quarters of The Sword of Pelor

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2019 6:38 pm
by NeomerArcana
Janice reveals the following information about the items. The dagger was a gift from the Shaman of a tribe of orcs that she passed by on her way to The Three Kingdoms. She spins a gripping tale that even Ludo finds well-told, about her adventure from the west. The orc tribe is known as the Spine Cleaver tribe; their lands are to the west of The Three Kingdoms and span an area about as large as The Ganther Plains. They are to be feared, she explains, but her dealings with them were amicable due to a prophecy told by "Gal Dorn'thk", their shaman.

The stone was a gift from a dwarven outcast who lives in her home town, Perlisloe. He is an old dwarf who has lived in the town for longer than anyone else. The only thing people know of him is that he is unable to return to his mountain home, he was outcast for reasons he has never told. You ask for his name, but she doesn't know it. Everyone just calls him "the dwarf".

The ring was an item that she purchased here in Lavender. It was sold by a street merchant on the main road. Nothing but a trincate that she thought looked nice.

Finally; the coin was something that she picked up on the road, simply laying in the dirt.

She can tell that the items seem enticing to some of you. She offers them in payment for helping her. She freely gives them to you now, to Arlette the coin, Kull the dagger, Grigori the stone, and to Ludo the ring. She looks helplessly to the ever silent Fenner and apologetically to Kai.

Everyone, let's skip ahead and suggest that everyone has made the neccessary introductions. Ludo will obviously continue playing tunes occassionally but freely enters and leaves the conversation as needed, like an old friend. Fenner excuses himself early to retire for the night, complaining about his old bones.

Towards the end of the night, as the patrons are few in number, and as Falias begins sweeping up, there is a loud boom from upstairs followed by shouts. With no hesitation and an astonishing speed, those two out of place men rush through the door to the stairs, drawing their weapons. As they burst out of the door and run up the stairs, those of you close enough can see a body lying prone in the hall by the door.

Re: In the quarters of The Sword of Pelor

Posted: Mon Nov 25, 2019 11:11 pm
by Grigori Steelbrow
Grigori quickly grabs the stone in his left hand and taps it upon his head a few times before searching for a weapon.
