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Re: In the quarters of The Sword of Pelor

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2019 3:14 pm
by Arlette Craven
"Grigori is right, it's terribly unsafe, and perhaps we would be better off travelling together, I think there is a lot we can learn from you and where you've come from, and if you've managed to travel alone thus far I'm sure we can help each other and be safe as we travel these dangerous routes."

Spot check for Kai listening

Re: In the quarters of The Sword of Pelor

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2019 7:49 pm
by NeomerArcana
Grigori you fail to notice Kai. Arlette you see him listening in.

Janice thinks for a moment before responding. "I would like the company, it has been hard travelling this far alone. My friends are on their way to Rivendale, yes? I passed through there previously. It we go together to Southport and Clearwater, will you accompany me from there to Rivendale? I haven't the coin to pay you."

Re: In the quarters of The Sword of Pelor

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2019 12:51 am
by Kull
Kull look a bit surprised about Janinces story but since Arlette doesnt voice any doubts he accept the story as it is. He responds to her rembering his friends he once had left behind: I have no problem taking you to your friends but you have to promise to pull your own weight. As for me i dont need payment but awnswer me a question. Whats up with the dagger your carring around ? Where did you get it ? He then takes a quick look around checking if anyone is spyig on the table.
(spot check for kai) 1d20+1

Re: In the quarters of The Sword of Pelor

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2019 7:20 am
by NeomerArcana
Kull, you fail to notice Kai.

Janice pulls one of her two daggers out and looks at it. "What do you mean?"

Re: In the quarters of The Sword of Pelor

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2019 7:55 am
by Ludo Fritzwick
Ludo is a little bit taken aback, he was sure they were focused on his music. Perhaps they're just shy and awkward? He isn't sure what to make of them, but he gladly pockets the silver coins. A nice tip indeed. He shrugs and says nothing further, but gives them a curt bow and says "Your words honour me. Thank you."

With that, he turns his back to them and attempts to play another tune, slightly more lively and more of a jig than the last tune.


He glances around the Inn as he plays, taking in people's eyes and smiles to himself, enjoying the adoration.
Though perhaps more selfishly, he's also glancing around for a table to sit at and enjoy a drink after the current tune.

Spot: 1d20-3

Re: In the quarters of The Sword of Pelor

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2019 11:12 am
by Kull
Kull thinks for a short time then shrugs and responds: I saw that one of your dagger has my people tounge and i was only curios to know how you obtained it as such items are very rare. He looks at the gone playing music for some time then decides to toss a silver coin to the gome, as learning and mastering an instrument is a skill not easy obtained.

Re: In the quarters of The Sword of Pelor

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2019 12:17 pm
by Arlette Craven
Arlette sharply thrusts her elbow into Kulls side whilst smiling a little too hard at Janice, trying to get him to shut up about the dagger as Janice didn't know Arlette had stolen and looked in her bag. To try and quickly redirect the conversation Arlette rises from the table and dramatically motions to the eaves-dropper.

"My friend, would you like to join us where you will be able to hear the entirety of the conversation more clearly?"

Bluff check

Re: In the quarters of The Sword of Pelor

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2019 1:03 pm
by Grigori Steelbrow
Grigori chuckles at Arlette and Kull's interaction before making the smartass comment, "So this would be a poor time to mention the stone then."

Re: In the quarters of The Sword of Pelor

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2019 1:26 pm
by Kai Sylgeiros
Giving a small nervous laught kai walks up to the table and places 2 gold pieces on the table. "Sorry i didnt mean to disturb you all. I just saw two young women surrounded by three men two of whom appear to be a sturdy half-orc and dwarf. I just wanted to make sure that nothing nefarious was going on; that being said i believe i misjudged the situation. Furthermore it would be rude of me to turn your invitation down; the next round is on me. My name is Kai may i know all of your names?"

Re: In the quarters of The Sword of Pelor

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2019 1:43 pm
by Grigori Steelbrow
Grigori pipes up with, "I'm Grigori Steelbrow, a Sword of Pelor! Good to meet ya."