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Re: In the quarters of The Sword of Pelor

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2019 6:50 pm
by Arlette Craven
"Yes Kull, perhaps she is simply an adventurer, out to explore the world... But these are dangerous times, and Fenner suspects those items are magic. I don't believe that it is normal for a human to be exploring with a bag full of magical things. I think we should speak with her. Perhaps she will be forthcoming and there is nothing sinister to her behaviour? Shall we?" She looks for the others to agree and if the woman is still sitting in the tavern she will lead them to her and have them sit around her to start their conversation.

Arlette reassures Falias that she will not interfere with the money-lender. She thanks him for the information and hands him another gold coin to reiterate her support for his tavern.

Re: In the quarters of The Sword of Pelor

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2019 6:04 am
by Kull
Kull cracks his knuckles and responds: we could just sneak in her room at night, gag her and then ask her what she knows. If you surprise folks especially sleeping they rarly have a plan what to do.

Re: In the quarters of The Sword of Pelor

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2019 11:51 am
by Arlette Craven
"Let's keep that option as our last resort. I don't think she'll do anything so open and rash here in public, and the kings guards are here as well. Like you said, she could just be a fellow adventurer."

DM we'll talk to her in the tavern before retiring for the night.

Re: In the quarters of The Sword of Pelor

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2019 11:54 am
by NeomerArcana
Arlette approaches the woman, Kull nearby. Grigori and Fenner remain at the table.

"Yes? What is it?" says the woman in a rather curt voice. Her eyes dart to your table, and then to Kull; obviously she is aware that you're a group.

She appears to be in her late 20's, early 30's. She wears leather armor underneath her light hooded robe; she smells like she's been on the road for some time. Her hair is short.

Re: In the quarters of The Sword of Pelor

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2019 12:19 pm
by Arlette Craven
"Hello friend, we noticed you sitting here by yourself and thought we would invite you to join us for an ale. Tell me, where are you travelling to? You look to have been on the road for some time, where are you from? Are you travelling alone, aren't you worried about the roads, they haven't been safe, tell me, have you come across any trouble?"

Sense motive check

Re: In the quarters of The Sword of Pelor

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2019 8:01 am
by NeomerArcana
She listens patiently and replies. "Well met, I am Janice Suntower. Thank you for your invitation, I enjoy company." She follows you back to your table. "Yes, I have been travelling for some time, from the far west, lands beyond your Three Kingdoms; on a personal mission of sorts. I have had a few run-ins on the road, foul creatures that skitter into the shadows. Still, I am handy with a blade."

You all clearly notice her accent, it is unusual, not something you've heard before.

Arlette, you detect nothing but open honesty from her.

Re: In the quarters of The Sword of Pelor

Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2019 8:42 pm
by Arlette Craven
Arlette motions to Falias to bring more ale for the table as she introduces Janice to the others. "Janice is from the west country, she's been travelling for a while and has seen trouble as we have on the road." She turns to Janice, "What is this personal mission you speak of? Perhaps we can help, or at least give you some information about the roads ahead if you are to travel where we have been."

Re: In the quarters of The Sword of Pelor

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2019 1:30 am
by Kull
Kull nods and introduces himself as Kull. Beond that he stays silent and lets Arlette do the talking. He tries to detect if she lies or trys to hide important informations.
sense motive check 1d20+1

Re: In the quarters of The Sword of Pelor

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2019 2:41 am
by Ludo Fritzwick
With a smile on his face, Ludo steps into the inn and has a look around. To him, he sees a mix of people of various races, all chatting and drinking - quite a busy night. "Perfect." He says to himself, and with that in mind, he meanders through the crowd, weaving between the legs of people, and approaches the bar.

As always, being too small to reach the bar, Ludo swings a nearby chair around and stands on it, to lean onto the bar. Whilst watching the man behind the bar pour an ale for someone else, he swings his backpack in front of him, and draws out his lovingly named FritzFiddle and Fritzbow out and holds them to his side - ensuring he doesn't place them on the slightly sticky bartop - he could never do that to his precious fiddle.

When it his turn to be served, Ludo smiles at the man and says, "Good evening good sir! I find myself in a bit of a pickle, or, more accurately, without a pickle, and would love some food and drink. However, I can't help but notice there's a lack of music in here tonight? And so I have a wonderful idea! All I ask is a bed, or fuck it, a chair, to sleep on, and a bite to eat, and I'd love to play for your inn tonight. And in return for some hopefully wonderful music, 10% of tips would be yours, if any. Though, if you think my playing is bad, I'll pay up instead?"

Re: In the quarters of The Sword of Pelor

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2019 3:50 am
by Kai Sylgeiros
Kai walks into the tavern giddy with excitement. He looks around the room looking at all the many different people wondering just what wonderous adventures and sights they've experienced. Kai looks for anyone that looks interesting and might have wonderful stories as he walks to the bar ordering a drink and asks around if anything weird has been going on.

Spot check
Gather information check