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Re: In the quarters of The Sword of Pelor

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2019 7:54 am
by Kai Sylgeiros
Kai will use detect evil before following upstairs.

If kai detects evil he will alert the group
If not he will just continue upstairs.

Re: In the quarters of The Sword of Pelor

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2019 11:37 am
by Grigori Steelbrow

DM ignore the d20 roll, I don't know where it came from

Re: In the quarters of The Sword of Pelor

Posted: Wed Nov 27, 2019 9:09 pm
by NeomerArcana
We are now in combat

For the new players, this means that Initiative order is in the order you guys post, followed by the bad guys (it's not always follwed by bad guys, but today it is). There is no surprise round due to previous two guys rushing upstairs.

If you're not sure, read up on combat rules. The gist of it is that you get a move and an action each round.

Grigori, you feel better after giving yourself a good whack with the stone. You feel as though, had you been injured, you would have been healed a little.

Kai, you cannot detect the presence of evil, but you are indoors, with walls and floors blocking your abilities somewhat.

Map is as below. It's clear when you all get upstairs, what is happening. The door to the hall up here has been shattered and broken in, three dead men lay in the hall, two cut down, and one appears burned and smoking. A clocked man stands with a fireball resting in his hand and a faint aura emanating from him, one of the two men that rushed upstairs strikes at him with his sword, but it appears to not be able to penetrate the aura. The other man who rushed upstairs swings at a one-eyed man who wields a short sword, to the other side are two other sword wielding men. It's clear who's side everyone is on.

Re: In the quarters of The Sword of Pelor

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2019 12:23 am
by Grigori Steelbrow
"Kull! Our weapons!" Grigori says before heading into the party's room for his axe located at M9.

Re: In the quarters of The Sword of Pelor

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2019 1:11 am
by Kull
Bring me my axe i keep them busy kull responds. He drops the chair and charges with the dagger at the man with the cloak. He will move to 13j and attack the man if possible. (sorry since its not my axe im not sure hit mod i have so ill use the normal one (also i dont know the damage of the dagger) 1d20+7)

Re: In the quarters of The Sword of Pelor

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2019 4:33 am
by Kai Sylgeiros
"You wouldnt happen to have a spare weapon in there would you?" Kai calls out to Grigori as he stands at the top of the stairs making sure no one can flank the group.

DM im assuming that since kai walked into the tavern without his weapons he is lodging elsewhere.

Re: In the quarters of The Sword of Pelor

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2019 9:28 am
by Ludo Fritzwick
DM Thanks for the heads up on gather info vs search. My bad. Hope I've got the next roll right too. My understanding was spellcraft doesn't require an action (in this usage), if it does, then please ignore that section of the turn and I'll do that part later.

His attention briefly distracted by the flittering of a moth nearby, Ludo realises that isn't his normal senses and wonders whether there's magic at play coming from the wrong - he realises the effect occurred the moment the ring slid on.

However, he also turns his attention back to the action taking place in front of him, and he fears a bit, not being one to get involved in combat. Instead, he does what he does best, and that's to perform. He begins to perform a dramatic solo, hoping it resonates with his newfound allies and encourages them in battle.

Expending one use of Bardic Music with Inspire Courage providing other ally players with a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and weapon damage rolls, as well as +1 on saving throws against charm and fear, for as long as Ludo continues to play and be heard, and for 5 rounds thereafter

Re: In the quarters of The Sword of Pelor

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2019 6:40 pm
by Arlette Craven
Arlette, inspired in part by Ludo's fine music and by the tenacity and confidence with which Kull approaches the fray, fearlessly races towards the cloaked man, aiming to flank him.

Arlette's first move action is to go to I12. Her second move action is to move through the guard and tumble past the cloaked man to avoid the attack of opportunity to get to J15

tumble check

Re: In the quarters of The Sword of Pelor

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2019 6:53 pm
by NeomerArcana
Grigori, your first action is to the gear, the second is grabbing both yours and Kull's weapons.

Ever fearless Kull gets straight into the fray. His enlarged dagger manages to strike the magic-user. Kull your damage roll for the dagger is +1 for the bards music plus your usual +7 with a dice roll of 1d4 (daggers are 1d4). I'll roll that for you now.

Re: In the quarters of The Sword of Pelor

Posted: Thu Nov 28, 2019 7:17 pm
by NeomerArcana
The dagger pierces the cloaked-man's side, seriously wounding him.

Kai I'm not sure why you are unarmed, but if as you say you don't have anything, then very well.

Ludo, your song starts encouraging everyone almost immediately.

Spellcraft for use with detecting magic items requires you to spend 3 rounds casting "Detect Magic" on the item itself before doing the Spellcraft check. So we'll skip that bit for now.

Arlette practically cartwheels into combat, easily dodging a back-handed blow from the cloaked magic-user to end at his opposite side.

Kull and Arlette, he is now flanked. You both get a +2 to attack rolls, don't forget, you also get a +1 from Ludo's magic. Arlette, if you connect any melee blows you get your Sneak Attack 1d6 extra damage in.
The Blue Dog_Floor 2-r1.png