On the trail to Threerun

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Re: On the trail to Threerun

Post by NeomerArcana » Thu May 16, 2019 2:53 pm

Looks like the man has the first move. He is moving in for a bull rush, the most effective move of the night so far.

Man's STR check: 1d20

Kull's Attack of Opportunity: 1d20+61d3+5

Kull's STR check: 1d20+5
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Re: On the trail to Threerun

Post by NeomerArcana » Thu May 16, 2019 2:54 pm

Kull shoves the man back, his strength completely unmatched. Kull, your turn to act.
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Re: On the trail to Threerun

Post by Kull » Thu May 16, 2019 3:28 pm

Kull looks dissapointed at the feeble atempt to push him. Kull continues to grab him and trys to toss /shove out of the ring.(grapple check 1d20+5 strength check 1d20+5
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Re: On the trail to Threerun

Post by Kull » Thu May 16, 2019 4:12 pm

(Um i forgot that my grapple value is 6 not five) sorry
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Re: On the trail to Threerun

Post by NeomerArcana » Thu May 16, 2019 4:45 pm

Your opponents Attack of Opportunity:1d20
Damage roll for AoO:1d3
Opposed grapple check:1d20
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Re: On the trail to Threerun

Post by NeomerArcana » Thu May 16, 2019 4:51 pm

Your opponent manages to get under your attempt to grapple and sneaks in a head-butt, dealing damage to you. It's now his turn to act; he attempts to trip kull by grabbing his leg and pulling it up.
Attack roll:1d20

Kull's attack of opportunity and damage roll:

Combatants STR check:

Kull's opposed STR check:
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Re: On the trail to Threerun

Post by NeomerArcana » Thu May 16, 2019 4:56 pm

The wealthy man's lackey tries to pull Kull's leg up but finds that he is unable to move it at all. In retaliation Kull simply hammers his open hand straight down on top of the man's head. The shock of the blow propels him face-first onto the floor. He is knocked out cold.

Kull is the winner by a large margin.

"Well," says the wealthy man to Arlette. "My name is Geralt Terrnian, and it appears I owe you a favour. Do you have a thing in mind?"
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Re: On the trail to Threerun

Post by Kull » Thu May 16, 2019 6:18 pm

Kull not to much suprised by his victory taunts a bit befor returning to hragg and starts to drink his ale. He then turns to Hragg and says with a already somewhat heavy tounge: why dont you give it a go im sure you could take those wimps.
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Re: On the trail to Threerun

Post by Arlette Craven » Fri May 17, 2019 8:40 am

"Well my friend, a fun night indeed! Join us, drink your ales and let us talk, the favour I ask will come later, let us enjoy the frivolity!" she motions the the barkeep to bring more ales to satisfy the men.

"Tell us, you and your companion are clearly wealthy gentlemen, why come to this Inn?"

As they talk and get deeper into their ales, Arlette will quietly leave the table to gather some information on this man and his posse.

Gather information check
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Re: On the trail to Threerun

Post by NeomerArcana » Fri May 17, 2019 10:43 am

Arlette, you learn that this man, Geralt Terrnian, is chief advisor to Lord Peror Glavi, who rules the town. He advises in all affairs relating to the town, but appears to pride himself on knowing what the average person thinks and what the average person wants. As such, he's a bit of a known fixture at the various taverns around town. It was primarily his recommendation to close the gates during night, a recommendation that Lord Glavi agreed with. A lot of people know this, and because they feel safer about it, hold Terrnian in high regard.

Hi is quite wealthy, he lives in a nice house near the local Temple to Pelor. The other man who was with him, that seemed to be competing with him, was Peter Kruume, another advisor to Lord Glavi. Rumour has it that these two are often in competition with each other for the favour of Lord Glavi, and Terrnian usually comes out on top.

Arlette you also find a note in your pocket. You've no idea how or when it got there.

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