Outside the Three Dancers Inn

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Re: Outside the Three Dancers Inn

Post by Elec » Sat Apr 27, 2019 1:01 pm

(OK I will move to 10:5 and DM my rapier crit at 18 so I will roll another to confirm my crit)

Crit confirmation
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Re: Outside the Three Dancers Inn

Post by Hragg » Sat Apr 27, 2019 1:32 pm

Hragg is undeterred by his errant attack, but he's concerned that if he does not save his employer, there will be no pay at the end of all this. Besides, Hilda will be impressed if I can slay this monster. He thinks.

He swings again at the largest creature, trying to get Landowe loose.
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Re: Outside the Three Dancers Inn

Post by Hragg » Sat Apr 27, 2019 1:33 pm

Attack RoLL [1d20+5]damage RoLL [1d10+4]
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Re: Outside the Three Dancers Inn

Post by NeomerArcana » Sat Apr 27, 2019 4:17 pm

Elec steps forward, drawing his rapier and slashes at the spider, trying desperately not to hit Landowe. One of the spiders from legs lunges directly at Elec in response, but Elec neatly cuts through the leg, removing it. Green blood falls from the wound, the massive spider faulters briefly before finding its footing again.

Arlette loads her crossbow and fires at the spider opposite the camp-fire. The bolt strikes it under one of its many legs, it shrieks in response.

Hragg swings his waraxe but the legs the massive bulk is surprisingly swift and dodges the blow, however the spider isn't as agile while carrying a humanoid. The blade still connects with a joint on one of the appendages and bites deep into the flesh. The enormous spider falters and stumbles briefly before collapsing in a heap, bleeding from its wounds. The fangs and appendages still move weakly. Landowe is now partially under the thing.

Kull and Hilda left to move, then spiders!
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Re: Outside the Three Dancers Inn

Post by NeomerArcana » Sat Apr 27, 2019 7:38 pm

Kull's Fortitude Save against the spider bite:1d20+5
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Re: Outside the Three Dancers Inn

Post by NeomerArcana » Sat Apr 27, 2019 7:43 pm

The mighty Kull seems unaffected by the poison. He turns to face the spider that bit him and moves to punch it.
Kulls attack roll:1d20+6
Kulls damage roll:1d3+5
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Re: Outside the Three Dancers Inn

Post by NeomerArcana » Sat Apr 27, 2019 7:49 pm

Kull's fists fail to strike the spider.

Hilda swings at the spider next to her.
Hilda's attack roll:1d20+3
Hilda's damage roll:1d6+3
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Re: Outside the Three Dancers Inn

Post by NeomerArcana » Sat Apr 27, 2019 8:02 pm

Hilda's heavy mace lands squarely on top of the spider, momentarily causing it to lose it's footing. It scurries off with a shriek, back into the trees.

The enormous spider on top of the unmoving Landowe twitches.

The spider that bit Kull rises up and strikes him again, catching him in the arm.

Kull you have just suffered an additional 2hp of damage (total of 3). In 9 rounds (or about 1 minute) you need to pass another fortitude save (12 DC) or suffer STR damage (I will roll this when needed), from the first bite. You also need to roll a second Fortitude save for the second bite now, same DC of 12, or suffer this much STR damage (you will need to roll again in 10).

STR damage if Kull fails the next Fortitude save:1d4

It's the players turns now, followed by the remaining spider.
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Re: Outside the Three Dancers Inn

Post by Elec » Sat Apr 27, 2019 9:37 pm

"HIlda take care of Landowe!" Elec shouts after seeing the giant spider falls. Still holding his rapier, he runs to 07:05 and strikes the spider attacking krull.

Attack Roll

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Re: Outside the Three Dancers Inn

Post by Kull » Sat Apr 27, 2019 11:11 pm

Kull is almost raging. He has been bitten by mere bugs several times. Fortitude save 1d20+5
He proceeds to grab the spider( grappel check 1d20+6) and pushes the spider towards the fire (1d20+5strength check) in an atempt to burn the spider
Last edited by Kull on Sun Apr 28, 2019 4:37 am, edited 1 time in total.