Character Creation - DarthPanda

All character sheets go in here please
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Hilda Hearthstone
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Re: Character Creation - Hilda Hearthstone

Post by Hilda Hearthstone » Sat Apr 20, 2019 6:15 pm

Hilda Hearthstone
Cleric lvl 1
Alignment: Lawful Good
Deity: Moradin
Age: 40 years
Height: 4 ft
Weight: 250 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown

HP: 10
AC: 10+3(Armor)+1(Shield)+0(Dex)=14
Initiative: 0(Dex)

STR: 16 (+3)
DEX: 11 (0)
CON: 14 (+2)
INT: 9 (-1)
WIS: 16 (+3)
CHA: 9 (-1)

Base Attack Bonus: +0
FORT: 2(Base)+2(Con)=4
REF: 0(Base)+0(Dex)=0
WIL: 2(Base)+3(Wis)=5

Concentration (Con) 1 Rank
Heal (Wis) 1 Rank
Profession: Cooking (Wis) 1 Rank
Spellcraft (Int) 1 Rank

Feats: Divine Spell Power (p. 78 Complete Divine)

Domains: Creation (Complete Divine p.138) & Summoner (Complete Divine p. 141)

Domain Spell: Summon Monster 1
Create Water
Nimbus of Light (Complete Divine p.136)

Shield, Light (9gp) Shield Bonus +1
Mace, Light (5gp) 1d6DMG/Crit. x2/Bludgeoning
Dagger (2gp) 1d4DMG/19-20 Crit.x2/Piercing or Slashing
Armor, Studded Leather (25gp) Armor Bonus +3/Max Dex Bonus +5/Armor Check Penalty -1


Backpack (2gp)
Bedroll (1sp)
Torch (3cp)
Waterskin (1gp)
Holy Symbol, wood (1gp)
(2) Sack (2sp)
Rope, Hempen (50ft) (1gp)
(1 Day) Trail Rations (5sp)
Pot, Iron (5sp)
Tankard (2cp)
Flint/Steel (1gp)
Flask (empty) (3cp)
(5) Tindertwig (5gp)
Winterblanket (5sp)
(2) Caltrops (2gp)
Candle (1cp)
SPICE POUCH: earth-red powder that springs to life on the tongue;
SPICE POUCH: dirty-yellow grain that dissolves in liquid, forming a paste.

Special Abilities:
Darkvision (60ft)
Stonecutting: +2 racial bonus on Search checks to notice unusual stonework
Weapon Familiarity: Dwarven waraxes and Dwarven urgroshes are treated as martial weapons
Stability: +4 bonus on ability checks vs. bull rush/trip while on the ground
+2 racial bonus vs. poison
+2 racial bonus vs. spells and spell-like effects
+1 racial bonus on attack rolls vs. orcs and goblinoids
+4 dodge bonus to Armor Class type Giant
+2 racial bonus on Appraise Checks that are related to stone or metal items
+2 racial bonus on Craft Checks that are related to stone or metal


Backstory: Hilda Hearthstone, a kind hearted Dwarf, always found toiling around the kitchen of her clan. She was often found summoning celestial monkeys to help her with easy tasks such as stirring or bringing her ingredients that she needed but couldn't leave what she was doing. It was there, that Hilda received her true calling. Upon the 40th Name Day of Hilda, during her morning devotions, Moradin came to her and gave her a holy charge. She was to go and learn the spell Pavilion of Grandeur (Complete Divine p. 138), a task only to be undertaken by those destined to become the Head Cook of the Dwarven People. To complete this task, one must not only master the art of Dwarven Cuisine, but to improve it and help it evolve to enrich the Dwarven Culture.
Last edited by Hilda Hearthstone on Wed Apr 24, 2019 8:06 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Character Creation - DarthPanda

Post by Hilda Hearthstone » Sat Apr 20, 2019 6:42 pm

So does that make my character from Carveden?
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Re: Character Creation - DarthPanda

Post by NeomerArcana » Sat Apr 20, 2019 8:57 pm

Carvden is a human settlement, as are all the places on the map. There is a dwarven settlement that remains pretty much unknown to the humans of The Three Kingdoms, it is south-west of Carvden, at the western most point of the circle of mountains that you see. The settlement is Dwotek ("Fierce Cradle"), a new mountain home of about 600 years age.

Otherwise, you can be from further west, south or east and you can tell me everything about your home and I'll put in on the map out there.
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Re: Character Creation - DarthPanda

Post by NeomerArcana » Sat Apr 20, 2019 9:46 pm

While we're sorting out these backstory details, feel free to join the game.
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Re: Character Creation - DarthPanda

Post by NeomerArcana » Sat Apr 27, 2019 4:49 pm

I've put yours into a proper sheet as well.
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Re: Character Creation - DarthPanda

Post by Hilda Hearthstone » Sat Apr 27, 2019 9:51 pm

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Re: Character Creation - DarthPanda

Post by NeomerArcana » Sat Apr 27, 2019 10:28 pm

This one is better. Has your equipment properly done.
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Re: Character Creation - DarthPanda

Post by Hilda Hearthstone » Thu May 02, 2019 1:37 pm

Hey, I was having a problem editing that pdf to account for the 360xp and 400 gp. :?
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Re: Character Creation - DarthPanda

Post by Hilda Hearthstone » Thu May 02, 2019 1:39 pm

Since we're technically taking off the next day, I'd like to do my devotions, before we leave, and prepare the following spells:
Detect Poison
Nimbus of Light (Complete Divine p.136)
Domain Spell: Summon Monster 1
Last edited by Hilda Hearthstone on Thu May 02, 2019 1:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Character Creation - DarthPanda

Post by Hilda Hearthstone » Thu May 02, 2019 1:40 pm

Also, if Lord Hargraves is loading the wagon up with 3 days of food, I'm not going to buy any additional food.
Although, I would like to buy a Light Crossbow (35gp) and 20 bolts (2gp); is that available?
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