Character Creation - DarthPanda

All character sheets go in here please
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Hilda Hearthstone
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Character Creation - DarthPanda

Post by Hilda Hearthstone » Thu Apr 18, 2019 5:45 am

So, being new to this site, I beg your pardon and ask for patience. I literally just made my character by hand with my books and dice. It actually was quite fun. So I'll fix my character based on these rolls: [6, 4, 5, 3]-L = 15
4d6-L: [ ] -L = 15

[2, 2, 5, 2]-L = 9
4d6-L: [ ] -L = 9
[6, 6, 5, 3]-L = 17
4d6-L: [ ] -L = 17
[6, 2, 3, 2]-L = 11
4d6-L: [ ] -L = 11
[4, 5, 1, 4]-L = 13
4d6-L: [ ] -L = 13
[4, 6, 5, 6]-L = 17
4d6-L: [ ] -L = 17
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Re: Character Creation - DarthPanda

Post by NeomerArcana » Thu Apr 18, 2019 8:16 am

I split this off into it's own topic for your character.

I'm not sure what you've tried to do above, but you'll need to roll the dice. The option when you're posting is below the text box in a tab alongside "Options" and "Attachments". You'll need to add all six rolls.
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Re: Character Creation - DarthPanda

Post by Hilda Hearthstone » Thu Apr 18, 2019 9:07 am

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Re: Character Creation - DarthPanda

Post by Hilda Hearthstone » Thu Apr 18, 2019 9:09 am

SO SORRY! :shock:
Honestly, I'll get this eventually.
Would you like me to use the last 6 rolls? I'm also filling out the PDF because I'm working off a Chromebook and can't use the cool thing the other character used, I tried. If there's a different format that you prefer, let me know.
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Re: Character Creation - DarthPanda

Post by NeomerArcana » Thu Apr 18, 2019 9:24 am

TBH, it looked a bit weird that you were manually typing out the result of the dice rolls. So yes, please use the 6 rolls there that were rolled in the post. You don't need to fill out a character sheet, you can just type out the info here in a forum post and I can help format it nicely. Those are good rolls BTW, they give you some things you're not good at, which always helps role-play.

Once you've chosen your class, I'll ask you to roll for your starting gold (with which to purchase your equipment). The starting gold can be found on page 111 of The Players Handbook. You can take the average if you want, but rolling gives you a chance for more gold.

Again, just shout out if you need some help.
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Re: Character Creation - DarthPanda

Post by Hilda Hearthstone » Sat Apr 20, 2019 2:03 pm

Alrighty, let's roll for starting gold! 8-)
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Re: Character Creation - Hilda Hearthstone

Post by Hilda Hearthstone » Sat Apr 20, 2019 2:08 pm

Hilda Hearthstone
Cleric 1
STR: 16
DEX: 11
CON: 14
INT: 9
WIS: 16
CHA: 9
Hilda Hearthstone Sheet.pdf
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Re: Character Creation - DarthPanda

Post by NeomerArcana » Sat Apr 20, 2019 2:31 pm

Okay you're going to have to help me a bit here. The sheet you uploaded looks a bit incomplete and for a different character altogther. Also, I don't know who brent is.

I take it you're a 1st lvl Dwarven Cleric.

As a Cleric, you would have (2 + INT modifier) x 4 skill points to spend. With you 9 INT this gives you -1 modifier, so that means you have 4 skill points to spend.

Skill points are spent 1 point for 1 rank in a class skill, or 2 points for 1 rank in a cross-class skill. Clerics may get additional class skills based on the two domains that they choose. (See the Players Handbook part about clerics)

So you need to choose the god you worship, and then two of the domains this god has. About page 106 for the gods etc. Do this first, then we'll talk about skills.
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Re: Character Creation - DarthPanda

Post by Hilda Hearthstone » Sat Apr 20, 2019 3:07 pm

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Re: Character Creation - DarthPanda

Post by Hilda Hearthstone » Sat Apr 20, 2019 3:09 pm

Oh no, I don't know why it didn't load with the right character sheet stuff! I filled one out but I guess the fields didn't save right.
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